(Windows Only) SSH Utilities

If you already have SSH and SCP utilities installed, or are not running Windows, this step can be skipped.

Windows does not include any programs for accessing remote servers or copying files to them. Both of these actions are needed when deploying a PyTrackDat application to a remote server. However, there are free utilities available for download which can help with these tasks.

To download the two utilities needed, visit KiTTY’s download page and download kitty_portable.exe. Then, visit WinSCP’s download page and download the portable WinSCP version. Make sure to extract the WinSCP .zip file before running the executable WinSCP.exe inside. The first executable provides a way to access remote servers, and the second executable allows the copying of files to remote servers.

Mini-Tutorial: Using KiTTY

KiTTY is a tool for logging into and remotely administering servers via a command-line interface. This remote administration is useful when deploying a PyTrackDat application to a remote server.

We have prepared a mini-tutorial on using KiTTY on a Windows computer.

Mini-Tutorial: Using WinSCP

WinSCP is a tool for copying files to a remote server using a Windows computer. A tool similar to this must be used to copy the PyTrackDat application onto a server for “production” (i.e. real) use.

We have prepared a mini-tutorial on using WinSCP.